Monday, November 23, 2009

Ezi Orange Cake

This is a easy orange cake recipe that can be completed within an 1hr.

125g butter, softened
¼ cup milk
¼ cup orange juice
2 eggs1 cup caster sugar
1½ cups sifted self-raising flour
2 tablespoon finely grated orange rind

Method :
1.Combine all cake ingredients and beat thoroughly for 3minutes
2.Pour mixture into a greased 20 cm x 10cm loaf tin
3.Slightly lift up tin and drop it back on table to remove air bubbles
4.Bake in centre of 160C oven for 20-30 minutes or until inserted skewer comes out clean
5.Turn into wire rack and allow to cool before slicing
6.Serve with a cup of hot tea

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