Monday, June 22, 2009

Pumpkin Rice

Pumpkin Rice


500gms pumpkin (cut into cubes)
3 Chinese sausages (cut into small slices)
6 pieces Chinese dried mushroom (pre-soaked in 300 ml hot water to soften it, remove stem
and cut into strips)
50gms dried prawns (pre-soaked in 100 grammes water for about 10 minutes. Remove dried
3 cups of white rice (rinsed and soaked in water for 30 minutes, then remove water)
- I prefer to use fragrant white rice to make it more fragrant
3 tablespoons oil
Bunch of cilantro/spring onions


1 tablespoons light soya sauce
1 tablespoon dark soya sauce
1/3 teaspoon of white pepper powder
1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
1 teaspoon salt


Heat up oil
Stir fry dried prawns and mushroom until fragrant
Add in rice,pumpkin and sausage
Add seasoning and stir well until everything combined
Remove everything and put into a rice cooker
Add the water to cover the rice mixture completely,about 1 cm above the surface of the rice
Switch on the rice cooker and allow it to completely cook.
Give it a stir before serving.
Serve with some chop cilantro/spring onions on top.

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