Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Chicken Orzo

2009 is coming to a close, I hope you guys have a wonderful holiday season.
Ezimeals would like to thank everyone for their support and encouragement.
Wishing you a Happy New Year ........2010.


1pack of Orzo
Chicken stock
2 chicken drumstick, bones removed and cut into smaller piece
1yellow pepper, cut into cubes
1 stalk spring onions, cut into 3cm length
1onion, cut into cubes
Teriyaki sauce
Olive oil
Grilling Chicken:
Marinate chicken with teriyaki sauce
Heat up grill pan and grill chicken slices until cook
Set aside

Cooking Orzo:
Boil orzo with chicken stock until desired tenderness
If stock dry up, add more stock
Remove orzo and set aside
Heat up non stick pan with 3 tablespoon olive oil
Stir fry onion and yellow pepper
Add orzo and chicken, mix thoroughly
Add salt to taste
Garnish with spring onions
Serve immediately

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