Saturday, December 5, 2009

Portobello Mushroom Chicken

Prego has a wide range of pasta sauce. Recently they come out with a new sauce, Portobello Mushroom Sauce. I had a try on it and found it to have strong portobello mushroom taste.
Try it if you like mushroom.

1/2 chicken cut into smaller piece
2 Onions cut into cubes
2 cloves garlic chop fine
Bunch of fresh parsley chop fine
1 Can of Prego Portobello Mushroom Sauce
1/2 cup of water

1 tablespoon lee & perrie sauce
pinch of salt
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg powder

Season chicken with seasoning and let it marinate for 30mins
Heat up wok with oil
Fry garlic and onions until fragrant
Add chicken and stir fry
Add portobello mushroom sauce
Add 1/2cup water and mix everything together
Lower fire and simmer chicken till cooked
Finally add in chop parsley
Serve with Pasta, Spaghetti or Rice

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