Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sweet & Sour Fish with Pineapple

2 pound fish fillet cut into smaller pieces (6-7cm long)
Flour for dusting
1/2 pineapple cut into cubes
1onion cut into cubes
3 Tbsp Sweet & Sour Sauce
3 Tbsp Chili sauce
1 Tsp sugar
1 clove garlic chop fine

Fish Batter Ingredients:
2 cups plain pan cake mix
1 egg
1/4 cup olive oil
salt and white pepper to taste

Method: (Batter & Frying Fish)
Mix the above items (fish batter) together in a bowl and thin the mixture with water
Do not make the batter too thin
Heat up oil
Dust fish fillet with flour before dipping into batter
Deep fry until golden brown
Drain on paper towel

Method: (Sauce)
Heat up wok with some oil
Combine Sweet & Sour sauce + Chili sauce
Stir fry garlic until fragrant
Add Onions & Pineapple and stir
Pour in sauce, sugar
Bring to boil
Pour sauce over fried fish and serve hot
Garnish with some parsley

Tips: egg make batter crispy and dusting will make the batter stick to fillet

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